„Sport, through its activities contribute to the health, well-being and sport performance. In the above "sport" is taken to mean all forms of physical activity, including competitive sport, recreational activity and individual exercise. Each author of the presented monograph was left as regards the final form of his share, so that by the theme one does not necessarily follow the next. The task before these professionals is to quid sport in the direction of preventive medicine, sport performance as well as pursuing research designed to improve our knowledge in related fields of study. Further, sport and health related education should communicate, practically cooperate on national and international levels. We can utter that the presented contributions fulfill that need.” (Z recenzji)
„In the presented monograph the relationship between physical activity, sport performance and health issues are mentioned in several places. The aim of the presented studies is to make further contribution towards health, performance and wellbeing for various cohorts in our society. Making suggestions for practical applications in the field of sport performance, recreation and overall health.” (Z recenzji)
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Raciborzu